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24 May
Pasquale Amato _ Nosside Prize _ Views: 3685



Confirmed the two identities (multilingualism and multimedia) and reintroduced the "Special Mention Nosside-Bergamotto di Reggio Calabria"

On Tuesday, May 25th , the Nosside World Poetry Prize reopens its process by opening registrations for the XXXVI Edition 2021 until the deadline of July, 10th. The International Jury will make the decisions by September, 30th  and the Final Award Ceremony will take place, pandemic permitting, on November 26th in Piazza Paolo Orsi of the splendid National Archaeological Museum of Magna Graecia in Reggio Calabria, namely home of the Riace and Porticello Bronzes.

The most difficult year - that of the time of the coronavirus - was overcome not by bending but by adapting. We kept the way straight and preserved the fundamental characteristics of the only global competition for an unpublished and never awarded poem in the world, without borders of languages ​​and forms of communication, as well as a member of the Unesco World Poetry Directory. Finally, we invented the Final Video-Event which met with widespread acclaim. The path of Nosside 2020 ended with the recent publication of the elegant Anthology printed by the Publisher Media & Books, preceded by the e-book edition.

Born and organized since 1983 in Reggio Calabria on the continental shore of the Strait of Scilla and Cariddi, the Project is dedicated to the poet Nosside from Locri of the III century BC, and it has as its logo a work by the futurist master Umberto Boccioni from Reggio Calabria inspired by the classical Greek world and boasting a precious silver reworking of Boccioni’s logo made by the goldsmith Gerardo Sacco from Crotone for the Absolute Winner.

Also in 2021, Nosside reaffirms its cultural strategy centered on two identities: 1. multilingualism, with five official languages ​​of the Prize (Italian, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese) and openness to all the languages ​​of the world and their equal dignity between national, native, minority and dialects; 2. multimedia, with access to the poetic imagination in its various forms of expression. It is the ancient magic of the word in Written Poetry, the suggestion of music alongside the word in Poetry in Music (Song of the author) and the fascination of the video image and computer graphics in Poetry in Video.

In harmony with the two identities, an element connected to the territory is included in the Regulations: the Special Mention Nosside - Bergamot of Reggio Calabria, destined for a poem (written, in music and / or on video) inspired by the World Prince of Citrus Fruits. The initiative makes use of the partnership of the Reggio Calabria Bergamot Committee.

Unthinkable milestones have been achieved in 35 editions: in 2020 the milestone of participants from 100 countries in more than 140 languages, idioms and dialects was reached. These results are the result of the method of transparency in the selection of the winners (the Jury receives the works of the competitors marked with numbers) which guarantees equal opportunities to all poets regardless of states or continents, languages, cultures, races, religions, ages; and the intense teamwork that sees the Project as a permanent laboratory.

The Nosside is based on the free commitment of managers and collaborators and members of the Jury, as well as on self-financing based on private donations from individuals, associations, foundations and companies and on Fund Raising initiatives. And the safeguarding of the linguistic diversity of the planet represents its flag, testifying - with its coherence and constant rise in all continents - how rich and varied is the meeting on an equal footing between the different languages ​​and how much the most widespread languages owe even to the conceptual universes of the smallest languages ​​.

Another winning weapon was the choice not to exclude the most widespread languages ​​from its bosom. Rather, it was decided to use them to allow the languages ​​of native peoples and minorities and dialects to emerge from the ghetto to globalize the knowledge of the cultural and communication treasures they represent.

In essence, Nosside has practiced an alternative globalization to that of a single thought and a single language. A positive globalization that tends to enhance, safeguard and promote linguistic diversity on planet Earth before it will disappear.

                                                                                 Pasquale Amato

                                                       The Founding President of the Nosside World Poetry Prize

Tag: nosside prize 2021